This may be the last post you ever read from me. As I type this blog I face imminent peril. I take my life in my hands just sitting in this seat. For mere inches from my head stands the only wifi point in our school.
Panorama screened a report yesterday, highlighting concerns about the effects of wifi on us.
Now I have to admit that I didn't see it. I was too busy reading in an attempt to counteract the brain shrinking effects of the little antennae in my classroom. But I gather that with 70% of schools having wifi already and with that proportion rising rapidly, the programme questioned whether there had been sufficiently rigorous control and testing before rolling it out into classrooms.A Biologist called Dr Goldsworthy suggests that, although radiation levels are within safety guidelines and much less than mobile phones, there may be hidden dangers:
These include risks to fertility, genetic defects and cancer... The longer the exposure, the greater the risks.
"risks to fertility, genetic defects and cancer." The man is able to pull practically all of the common human paranoa triggers in one simple sentence - a genius. Hopefully a genius who is very wrong.
Let's face it, schools are the least of our worries. There are something like twelve cities covered completely by wifi in the UK - and that's not thinking about the fact that many kids will be surrounded by wifi at home, in cafes, restaurants, hotels, airports... even in that childhood oasis of junkfood McDonalds. These same kids are already surrounded by the radiation from their ubiquitous mobile phones and gadgets. TV and Radio signals buzz about us unseen. Bluetooth, wifi, uhf, vhf, fm, am, lw... my head's beginning to hurt. See! I told you that thing was dangerous.