Non uniform days are essentially fund raisers. The pupils (and staff) pay a £1 "fine" for the privilege of showing off their style. Some of them look atrocious but they seem happy with their fashion sense and, who knows, maybe it'll catch on in a few years and everyone will be dressing that way. It also gives the sports fans a chance to show off their colours. There are a multitude of Man Utd, Liverpool, Arsenal, Chelsea football shirts on display. The "anyone but Liverpool" brigade are also represented by a couple of guys wearing AC Milan shirts. Rugby is also being well supported this year. I've seen Ireland, Scotland, Italy, New Zealand and South African Jerseys (Well, only one SA shirt - and I only see that one when I look down)
The expense of these kind of events never stops at the £1 I've noticed. I overheard a couple of girls last week discussing their purchases for their outfits today - no expense was being spared as they put together the perfect look. For some of these kids this is a make or break situation. If they mess up they think that people will be laughing at them, if they don't spend the right amount of money they will be ridiculed, if they wear something that they've been seen wearing before they'll be mocked. Yesterday I saw a pupil, after school in tescos, in very stylish outfit. I asked if it was what she was going to be wearing today - she was still laughing after I'd packed the shopping and driven off.
In my day it was different. Actually, probably not - maybe it was me that was different. I didn't take any time planning fashion ensembles. I picked up whatever was on the floor from the weekend, smelt it to make sure it didn't reek, realised it did, opened a drawer, grabbed the first thing my hand touched and threw it on. I'd come to realise that the best way to stop worrying about what people were thinking about what I was wearing was not to care. I know that's easier said than done but I really think that if you worry about what people will think about something then they are more likely to think about it. The less thought you put in, they less other people will care. That, of course, does become a problem if you are the kind of person who wants people to care - and there are plenty of those about today.
But, do you know what really makes my heart sing? It's when you spot a pupil who has been making your life hell for months, when you spot a pupil who goes out of their way to irritate you, a pupil who never shows an ounce of respect; it's when you spot that pupil on non uniform day wearing a uniform. I'd almost have sympathy for them if I wasn't too busy practising my evil laugh.
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