Monday 10 December 2007

where have all the blogs gone?

I've been feeling a bit bad lately. I've been letting this blog slide in an alarming way. It's not really a sudden thing - I've been slowing up for a while now. I remember when I started I wrote the first 100 posts by the end of November (a little under 4 months after starting) It was another 11 months before I reached 200.

I did feel bad - that is until I noticed that I'm not the only one. Practically everyone I read appears to be taking a break. Some for a week or so, some for months - even Dave hasn't added anything for ten days (of course in that instance it may be because he has better things to be doing right now)

Where are you all and why have you stopped? Has the blogging bubble burst in your life? Have you run out of things to write about? I sometimes feel a bit like that. Recently I have been putting all of my creative juices into writing a play for my year nines to peform and thinking of witty comments to put at the end of my marking. What's your excuse?

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