Of course you could always carry an emergency pack containing enough rulers, pencils, pens, erasers, set squares, sellotape, tipp ex, pencil sharpeners, compasses, protractors, exercise books, calculators, dictionaries, scissors, glue sticks, staplers, colouring pencils for thirty pupils... but sometimes I don't get up early enough to pack a transit van full of stationery. I make do with what I can - I am the Ray Mears of the classroom.
But sometimes it goes wrong.
Just now a pupil asked to borrow a pen. I was in the middle of helping a year 11 with imagination deficit disorder so I absent mindedly grabbed a pen from the teacher's desk and gave it to him.
At the end of a lesson punctuated with various giggling fits from around the room the pupil returned the pen with a look that can only be described as extreme pity...

Awesome! Just ... awesome!
That pen was owned by a former mentor of yours Mike. It made me see him in a whole new light - probably the same light my pupils now see me.
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