Could someone tell me why anybody out there would possibly think it was a good idea to change the name of Campbell's Soup to Bachelor's.
Bachelor's make Super Noodles; they make Cup-a-Soup; Pasta Sauce... they do not make canned soup. There are iconic brands out there. Think of biscuits and you think McVities; think cereals and you think Kelloggs; think ketchup - Heinz; think of tinned soup... who did you think of? Bachelors? A brand being iconic doesn't make it the best; but it makes it iconic. I'm not suggesting that the soup will be any different taste-wise. But it won't be Campbell's.
Did Andy Warhol make a print of Cup-a-Soup? Would a pop art image of a supper noodle wrapper be as striking, as iconic as the tin of Campbell's Soup?
So I think you'll agree that changes (back) need to be made - as a matter of urgency. Do we really want a future where real food succumbs to the might of the army of dried food. I'll leave it in your hands.

Sounds like Campbell's is being sold or taken over. Batchelor's? Never heard of them.
Such a shame.
Heinz anyday, anyway.
crikey, great to see that i've been gone a year and nothing's changed.
mmm, happy new year, mr. c!!!
zzzzzz, time for a new post, mr. c. i mean, honestly now, you can't tell me you're too busy or some such. i know fo' sho' that ain't it.
besides, all that bellyaching about me not coming around and now that you've got my full attention . . .
I'm working on it! And how do you have the right to appear after a year and complain about me not posting? Did I leave messages on the hour every hour during the past 52 weeks: "zzzz" "zzzz" huh? did I? did I? huh?
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