So they call this global warming?
Yes, we’ve just come through a sustained period of cold weather; yes the country came to an abrupt standstill because no one can function at less than -2° or if half an inch of snow frosts our roads; yes some experts have been predicting that this could be the coldest winter in forty or something years;

Climate warming skeptics confuse me. Now I don’t claim to have all the evidence at hand - I haven’t read every study published on temperature since the mid 1800s - I don’t suggest that human caused CO2 emissions are 100%, definitely, irrefutably, unquestionably, undeniably, directly leading to global temperature rises - but all things considered I think it does look pretty likely that what we take from our rocks and pump into the atmosphere in great quantities may have some effect down the line.
What I struggle to understand is why climate skeptics refuse to even listen to both sides of the argument. I’m an English teacher who grew up doing debates and the like, just for the fun of it. I remember making the most ludicrous arguments seem almost plausible by the mystical power the human voice has over logic. But I also remember that the best way to win any debate was to listen closely to both sides of the argument. Putting your hands over your ears and going “nah-nah-nah-nah-nana” when your opponent was speaking was never seen as a good tactic.
Yet it seems that skeptics take every little jot of evidence they uncover as proof that the huge weight of research for human influenced warming is completely wrong.
In Northern Ireland we used to have an Environment Minister who was a Global Warming skeptic - yes, Environment. The man we had appointed to look after our interests environmentally didn’t believe in global warming! About a year ago he banned a UK government information initiative on climate change because he said it was an “insidious propaganda campaign” This was the man speaking on our behalf on environmentally issues!
For the fourth time in five minutes I’ve explained the meaning of the word ‘unconventional.’ I used it in a description of Atticus Finch’s parenting style in To Kill a Mockingbird. I used it as a positive thing - to show him in a favourable light - but let me be very clear on this:
Just because something is unconventional does not make it valid.
In fact, quite often, the weight of public and scientific opinion gets things right.
The idea that being different simply for the sake of being different, while interesting, isn’t admirable. I say this as someone who has had his own Devil’s Advocate hat made up. I’m saying this as someone with a heavy heart - for I know many people who smile smugly, look at the snow and say “Global warming? Can’t wait.” I have friends who are skeptics. And they are too good to descend to argumental depths like this.
It’s an argument directly from the Jeremy Clarkson school of scientific opinion. Jeremy Clarkson; the man who

Actually, perhaps public opinion isn’t always right after all.
[update] Shortly after writing I was pointed towards the column Mr Clarkson had published in the Sun that day. Coincidence abound.
Now that the whole global warming argument is buried under seven feet of snow, eco campaigners are getting desperate.
In a last ditch attempt to keep the debate going, they are now claiming that polar bears are being poisoned by the electronics in your laptop.
They seem to have arrived at this amazing conclusion by poisoning a fox. And then saying that if you poison an animal it will not be very well.
My suggestion is: They all shut up and get jobs as council snowplough drivers.
accompanied by a photo of Clarkson wearing a winter coat and a furry hat. Well then. I guess that proves it. Sorry for wasting your time.
It never ceases to amaze me how very rude and intrusive an opposing view can be, very deliberately obtuse and tries to intimidate the opposing viewpoint with constant barbs like, "you are completely stupid if you beleive that". I can't stand it. And I am very sorry you are having to suffer an insufferable environmental politician like that. We have 'em too. Ugh. I'm with you... The environment HAS suffered. If we all conserve just a little bit, it can have amazing long lasting results. You can't tell me that the Chernobyl disaster didn't have an adverse effect on the environment... but they see vegetation growing there and say smugly, SEE??? The bunnies and plants are doing great!!! Meanwhile, generations of people are being born with the most horrific cancers, and a great percentage of people are walking around with heads too big for their necks to support. But global warming doesn't exist. Sure. To me, a lowly uneducated hair stylist, everything I've ever seen points to global warming. I feel it in my gut.
The politicians? Pure disgusting arrogant denial. They just don't want to set a decent example of living in a conservative way, because they are too greedy, too lazy, and too ignorant.
In the great words of George Carlin:
"The planet's not going anywhere... WE ARE!!! Mother Earth's gonna shake us off like a bad case of FLEAS!!!"
"The constant assertion of belief is an indication of fear" --- Jiddu Krishnamurti
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