Monday 21 February 2011

noddy's post

Have you ever seen anything so out of place in its surroundings, in current society, in rational thinking, that you just have to know its back story?

Who is Noddy? Why has he a telegraph pole dedicated to him? Why is it in the middle of nowhere? Just what kind of person climbs a wooden pole to hammer a random sign to it? And why has it been there for so long without someone removing it or defacing it or firing an air rifle at it?

Actually, you know what? I don't want to know the back story. It would inevitably be a disappointment compared with what's going on in my imagination.


Lana Banana said...

while i don't have any poles dedicated to me, i do have several fences and a couple of fire hydrants.

and the back stories to THOSE will certainly disappoint.

weeeeeeell, unless you've had a lot to drink . . . and then they're hilarious, clever and witty . . . like me.

kylie said...

noddy's a big fella, then!