Monday 27 August 2007

governmental revolving door

US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, embroiled in a row over the sacking of eight US attorneys, has formally announced his resignation.

And so President GWB delivers his daily tribute to another departing ally. If the White House gets any emptier the Youth Hostel Association would be advised to see if they can't make use of some of the space.
President Bush said he had accepted the resignation reluctantly. He praised his old friend as “a man of integrity, decency and principle” and complained of the “months of unfair treatment” that preceded the resignation. It’s sad,” Mr. Bush said, asserting that Mr. Gonzales’s name had been “dragged through the mud for political reasons.”
Mr Gonzales left under a little bit of a cloud - rumour has it that he tended to sack federal prosecutors for political reasons - who doesn't? oh, and rumour goes that he lied under oathe - I often oathe under my lies. Then rumour has it he authorised secret phone tapping - but then all phone tapping should be secret, it's more effective that way. Then there's that other rumour that he wrote a memo to GWB suggesting that the war on terror was a special one that didn't need to pay too much attention to something as old fashioned as the Geneva Convention - oh, and theres the rumour about how he adjusted the rules governing prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. I have to admit I don't think Mr Gonzales is someone I could have made polite conversation with over a pint.
Having said that, as someone who also finds himself out of work, I can highly recommend a wide range of daytime TV. Perhaps Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove, Paul Wolfowitz and the rest of the guys can drop by and form a daytime poker group. Just one thing though, would the last one out of the Bush administration please turn off the lights.

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