Sunday, 11 May 2008

The End?

... or just another beginning.

I'm sorry folks. I did something incredibly stupid. I was doing a redesign for an ex pupil of mine - check it out over at The Thoughts of a Student with Aspergers Syndrome - and I created a temporary blog in my account on which to test it. The thing is after I'd finished with it I hit delete... on the wrong blog.

ToaSNT died.

Apparently there is no way to recover blog entries that are deleted by mistake. That seems like something Blogger should look into - you know, giving a few hours of grace time just incase someone, suffering from tequila or stupidity, deletes three years worth of blog.

Anyway, I'm lacking motivation to write anything right now - but looks like it's back to sqare 1. And, looking on the bright side, at least I can revisit some of the topics I've already blogged on - who's going to know?

1 comment:

THEBRO2K9 said...

you are an eejit well add me as a link again