It’s been a while since I’ve had a gratuitous sunset shot from my back yard. I like this one – it seemed alive the way it kept changing colour and shape. The most frustrating thing is that it became even more glorious, with huge beams of molten gold shooting high above the horizon – by that time I’d put the camera away – so you’ll have to take my word for it.
did you happen to catch any of it, mr. c? the gold, that is? in, say, a bucket . . . or cup . . . or other sort of device good for carrying precious molten metals?
if you didn't, that's ok . . . i guess.
but it'd have been great if you did. i mean, there are so many worthwhile charities out there in need of cash . . . and what with gold prices the way they are . . . you could've made a killing.
but really, serious face now: it's nice to have you back.
i mean it.
well, that's very kind of you. I have to point out that I didn't actually go away - Just went swimming in some large cups of coffee.
Looking round it seems a lot of bloggers appear to be slowing down over the summer months - do you think its the heat? - cause its pretty cold here today - maybe they should come here to cool down and re-motivate. I got spare rooms.
is that an invitation?
wouldn't some air conditioning and ice cubes work as well?
hmm, I guess so.
And probably better for the environment than having a couple hundred bloggers jetting across the atlantic.
ah, but the company . . . the company would be well worth the trip and at least a few hundred hectares of rainforest.
again you are too kind.
but the liberal tree lover in me would never condone such actions. plus the company is none too great at the moment.
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