Tuesday 25 September 2007

i'm confused

Will someone tell me what to believe. I want to know what to think about our latest Prime Minister but wherever I look I get a different impression. "I'll see what he has to say in his conference speech" I thought, "That'll tell me all I need to know about him." So I listened to his speech and I thought he did all right.

the Sun

But then I read in the Sun that it wasn't his finest hour. The Sun correspondents seemed incensed that he hadn't spent the whole time making promises that Britain will NEVER surrender to those pesky europeans who are attempting their boldest invasion plan since 1943. And if the reporters were bad the readers were worse.

How dare he just brush over something as important as the future of our country! Thousand of people fought for our country, who would be turning in the graves... if the unions stopped funding this ignoramus he would address the issues rather than continuing to deter from the issues the people want answers for...empty words Brown which has left this country crime ridden, swamped by immigrants. Make way for a better party that does care about Britishness...My thoughts on this lying, traitorus bunch are well known. Now he yet again shows utter contempt for us. Another labour promise broken. Do NOT vote for these lying traitorus scumbags again! Labour OUT

There's nothing I like more than informed politcial debate. So now I'm thinking that Brown is a bad bad man who wants to bring Hitler back from the grave so he can hand over the keys of Britain. Boo hiss.
the Mirror
But then I read the Mirror and they don't seem so worried. In fact I get the impression they had a lump in their throat and a tear of pride in their eye as they listened to his stirring words.

Mr Brown proved yesterday he's transformed perceived weaknesses into his greatest strengths. To be a serious politician in an uncertain, insecure world is precisely why the British people are flocking to the Brown banner.

What a lovely man; though I must admit that I'm worried what the Sun readers might be flocking to Brown for. He might want to increase his personal security. All of this has done nothing more than confuse me further. Who should I vote for in the possible psuedo election that might or might now happen later this year? It makes me yearn for the Liberal Conference and fundraisers involving raffles for autographed Cheeky Girl merchandise.

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