The same hill, the same day. This time the photo was taken from the staff car park of my current school.
Where has all the snow gone? From the west we see loads of snow - a snowfest even. From the North... nothing. Can 90 degrees really make such a difference? And why is there no inbetween stage - where is there the 'just a little bit of snow' section? You know what would be a real disaster? Imagine you were having a snowball fight and found yourself on the dry side of the snow boundary while your adversary was positioned in snow world. Disaster.
Anyway, these are the questions I asked my Dad as I picked him up from the airport today - well, not the snowball fight one, I wouldn't want him to think I had failed to advance beyond primary school mentality.
He mumbled something about the ocean and wind direction but I was too busy trying to avoid driving into the back of an extremely badly driven red Nissan to take it in properly.

Anyway, these are the questions I asked my Dad as I picked him up from the airport today - well, not the snowball fight one, I wouldn't want him to think I had failed to advance beyond primary school mentality.
He mumbled something about the ocean and wind direction but I was too busy trying to avoid driving into the back of an extremely badly driven red Nissan to take it in properly.
Wow, yes, that does make sense. When I grew up in New York, we'd get tons of snow. No ocean anywhere to be found. Then I moved to New Jersey, to the seashore, and there was salt water everywhere. It would snow, and we'd have snow for a day or two, near the ocean, and it would dissipate, leaving snow in the higher, and mainland areas. It really does have to do with the salt air and the wind direction. Being that the mountain is so high up, the side that catches the wind is the one that will lose the snowcap first.
If it wouldn't inadvertently uncover my "secret identity" I would post a picture taken from outside of my school.
One would see lots and lots of houses all in little rows, mixed in with lots and lots of cars... coincidentally driving in rows. I have to say that the lovely green rolling landscapes in your photos make me jealous.
Then I had the desired effect. I'm not proud of a lot, especially when it realtes to where i come from, but the landscapes and seascapes I am proud
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