I'm teaching Maths today. It's reminding me of all the amazing words I learnt in maths courses in my youth at school and university. Correlation, Pythagorean, Exscriptible, Hypotenuse. I love them all. I may not always have understood what they meant (hence my modest mathematics grades) but I loved saying them. Circumference, Rhombus, Symmetrical, Diameter, Fibonacci, Horizontal.
I happened to mention this to my pupils and it seems some of them have favourite maths terms of their own. One girl came up with Equidistant, which I have to admit I have been saying repeatedly since, and an (anonymous) year 11 boy choose Approximation.
You all think I'm mad; but try it yourself. Say the following words out loud, emphasise every syllable - shout them out if you can. Equilateral, Decomposition, Complementary, Trapezoid, Supplementary, Reciprocal, Parallelogram, Quadrilateral, Vertices, Tetrahedron, Iscosceles.
Now don't try to tell me you don't feel even just a little bit better than you did before you read them - I won't believe you.
Those words wreaked havoc in my young, brazen, artsy life.
I do not WANT to feel better reading them... and yet... I.... do...
guess whos back back again
i am back to stay this time and u better give me some feedback
how are u Mr C
I'm great - I've always given you feedback - I can't check your blog everyday though.
once and a while would be nice
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