Wednesday 8 November 2006

Service interupted for essential maintainence

Sorry for all the weird stuff that's been going on with this blog recently. I've always intended to do a bit of design and customisation but it took me a few months to get round to it. Unfortunately while I was changing things everything went a bit pear shaped.

"Isn't that always the way? You try to improve things and end up making them worse" as one of my pupils told me this morning. I kinda hope not. I mean sometimes its inevitable that a change leads to a few problems - well temporarily perhaps - but I hope its not always the case.

Imagine if this philosophy transferred itself from my web design to my teaching. Imagine if I had to make kids' lives hell in order to reach an eventual greater good.

"Isn't that the case" interupts the same pupil. Yeah, sometimes it feels that way. At heart I'm still a big kid wanting to ditch the books and crack up the monopoly set, wanting to say 'You want to sit and play games on the computer instead of mastering algebra - yeah, why not? I know a great web site for retro games.'

In my heart I do hope that what I do improves the immediate childhood of the people I work with and not just their future. Teenage years are too nice a part of our lives to spend looking ahead.

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