Tuesday, 3 March 2009

the last of it


Karen ^..^ said...

The last of what?

That is a gorgeous photo. Did you take it?

Mr C said...

The last of this winter's snow. Although I may have spoken too soon - it's freezing out there tonight.

Karen my dear - I love it when people say the right thing. You are entirely too sweet. Yes, I took it. This is Knocklayde - the view I see when I open my curtains in the morning. It also helps me get to work in the morning as I point my car in its general direction and let it go.

Funny thing though, I have a photo of the same mountain taken from where I work on the same day - and there's no snow to be seen. West side covered in icing sugar - North side nothing. I'll post it if you don't believe me. I will. In fact I just have.

Karen ^..^ said...

I would have beleived you, but thanks for posting the picture anyway. *grins*