Tuesday 9 January 2007


Finally - a news story on which I am perfectly qualified to comment. Ruth Kelly has chosen to send one of her children to a private school to cater for his special educational needs.
As someone who feels very uncomfortable with the very concept of private education I have strong opinions about choosing to pay for an educational advantage. As someone working in the special education field I have strong opinions about funding for mainstream state special needs funding. Yes, I believe I am perfectly qualified to judge a Labour government on education, education, education.

But I'm not sure I actually can comment on this story. I'm missing one vital qualification - I'm not a parent.

I don't know how I would feel in her position. I can only assume that I would want the best for my child and if that involved paying money, and if I was in a position to afford the expense... well, I just don't know. The one thing I do know is that family surely comes before career.

So a moment comes where I can express a qualified position and I feel unable to do so - sorry.

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