Thursday 11 January 2007

league tables? who's bothered

The School League tables have been published. I'm not really that bothered - they're only for English Schools. It doesn't really matter anyway - the results are so confusing no one understands what they mean anyway. Schools using the International GCSE system will find that those results don't count towards their league position and no account was taken for school's who lose the cream of their pupils to selective schools in the area. That is what happened to the school at the bottom of the table. (apparently) On the BBC Education website one headmaster of a school using the IGCSEs commented that the new exams are:

widely held to be a more challenging exam and much better preparation for A-level mathematics... But at this time every year schools that have made the transition pay the price as league tables are issued which give no recognition of IGCSE at all, while awarding points aplenty for floristry, hairdressing, Indian head massage and cake decorating.

Maybe he's just bitter - or maybe this league table, like much of the red tape in education, is meaningless. Personally I find it interesting to read for entertainment value but I'm odd like that. I have to admit that I was relieved to see that a School where I had considered teaching performed badly - maybe they'll still want me in a few years.

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