Luckily for Dave he has a bit of a talent for the whole writing thing. For me it is a hobby. I write all the time but I couldn't do it to order. One week I'll churn out three short stories and then I'll be devoid of creative juices for several months. In this blog I try to come up with something fairly regularly. I was talking to a friend after church one day and happened to mention I wrote a blog. "I know," he replied "I've read it. Its a load of drivel."
A load of drivel.
That hit me hard I have to tell you. I mean, on the quiet, I have to agree with him. In my eagerness to produce something regularly I quite happily compromise quality for quantity; but I'm ok with that - that's why I write here - its (partially) anonymous writing. I can type complete drivel safe in the knowledge that my pupils aren't going 'Mr C's letting himself down with that piece of trash.' I get to write and write and write to my heart's content. If I come up with something good and people seem to like it then I take the credit - and my pupils think I'm a talented writer with an imagination to die for. It means that about twice a year I get to see the respect they have when they read something they actually think is good. Trust me, even my friend at church isn't as difficult to please as a bunch of turned-off-to-reading sixteen year olds. When I see them getting into a short story that I wrote it is the most amazing feeling.
But try as I might I can't do that to order. I have so much respect for journos and especially columnists. It never ceases to amaze me how someone can write on a daily basis and still maintain the quality levels. I wish I was them but as I'm not I'll content myself with writing drivel for whoever happens to stumble across this blog.
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