Being a teacher comes with certain benefits; namely July and August. During this period of inactivity I tend to do my deepest thinking, hone my FIFA soccer skills and make films with one of my favourite people in the world.
I've known Dave since we were at school and from as far back as I can remember we've made films... all sorts of films. I think the first was based on the premiss that gangsters are pretty much indestructable. The film that plays most upon my thinking at the moment, however, is our latest. A Short Film about Karl Barth. The thing is that, as is usual, I had no real idea about the subject of our film until the day of shooting.

Dave is one of the most knowledgable people I know - incredibly well read. Now I consider myself pretty well read (in a world where Colin Bateman and Nick Hornby are classical greats I am a regular on the South Bank Show) but I am a lightweight compared with Dave. I hadn't even heard of Karl Barth.

Of course, being the professional that I am, research is essential to my characterisation. Admittedly starting the research after the film has been made may seem careless. But undeterred I begin reading about this man. What a guy! Despite the fact that his name clearly ends in th it is in fact pronounced simply as a t. This should have been a clue to his greatness as I've always been a fan of silent hs - they avoid unnecessary sectarian segregation. [quick note to people who haven't a clue what that is about: When one of my pupils asks me how I pronounce the letter h it is a trap worthy of the pharisees casually chatting with Jesus. If I were to say 'etch' then I am percieved to have gone to a protestant primary school and am therefore utterly opposed to freedom for non-unionists, but if I say 'hetch' the obviously I am a terrorist about to corrupt their minds with republican propaganda. You can see why silent hs seem to me to be the future.]

Karl Barth is a fascinating creature without doubt. I could go into his life events but it would take too long and quite possibly spoil the film for you. I could describe some of his teachings but I am a long way off understanding what he suggests - I have only begun reading and its blowing my mind. I really suggest you check out some of the many blogs and web sites devoted to the man for a taste. The main concept he seems to be thumping against my skull is that the gospel is not a truth among other truths. Rather, it sets a question mark against all truths. In the little bit of reading I have carried out he has stuck question marks all over a range of "truths" that I had accepted without murmur.
Despite this entry not having a conclusion the film does, and for anyone interested, can be viewed
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